Parental Engagement Programs
Positive adult relationships are critical in the ongoing development of youth. Pinelands SBYS encourages these important connections by hosting various events/programs that include adult role models. The following events are provided each school year:
Adult Male Role Model Day
Adult Male Role Model Event. PRSD students are encouraged to invite an adult male role model for a light complimentary breakfast and conversation. This even occurs in September.
Adult Female Role Model Day
Adult Female Role Model Event. PRSD students are encouraged to invite an adult female role model for a light complimentary breakfast and conversation. This even occurs in May.
Family Workshop
SBYS holds a 7 week educational program utilizing the nationally recognized and award winning Strengthening Families curriculum. This family workshop is open to parents/guardians and their 11-14 year old children that attend Pinelands or one of its sending districts. Each session begins with a complementary dinner. For more information on the Family Workshop, please contact Janel Gonzales at 609-296-3106 x4470 or

Groups/Transition Programs
YOUthrive Action Team
Students enhance their leadership and decision making skills through various activities. Students help SBYS promote numerous awareness campaigns throughout the school year as well as meet regularly to discuss teen driven topics. Students are also encouraged to participate in volunteer opportunities we make available.
7th Grade Already?!
Two day transition program offered in the summer for incoming 7th grade students. Program also includes an hour long parent/caregiver informational session.
Classroom Presentations
SBYS works closely with teachers to provide classroom presentations that enhance and support current curriculum.