Meeting schedule TBD
Meetings will be held in the Pinelands Regional High School's Carl A. Penn Media Center at 6:00 PM
Pinelands Alumni and Friends Foundation

Mission Statement
As members of the Pinelands Alumni and Friends Foundation, we are committed to supporting academic and extracurricular programs that empower and strengthen our community and foster a sense of pride. We intend to seek funding and secure other resources available to support our vision.
Board Members
President: Kimberly Olszewski (Class of 1990)
Vice President: Marc Sink (Class of 2003)
Treasurer: Deborah Sunderman (Class of 1990)
Recording Secretary: Gina Frasca (Class of 1991)
Corresponding Secretary: Sammi Moure (Class of 2019)
Pinelands Liaison: Dr. Melissa McCooley (Class of 1994)
Trustee 1: James Ardoin
Trustee 2: Dana Kelly
Trustee 3: Richard Ten Eyck